About WYSE Travel Confederation

WYSE Travel Confederation logo

The STAY WYSE Amsterdam and STAY WYSE Miami events are hosted by The World Youth Student and Educational (WYSE) Travel Confederation, which is a global not-for-profit membership organisation dedicated to promoting and developing opportunities for young travellers and the youth, student and educational travel industry that serves them. Our global community is the world’s most powerful and extensive network of youth and student travel professionals, consisting of more than 600 members from 120 countries. WYSE Travel Confederation members are leaders in the unique types of travel products and services that young people utilise, including:


  • Work experience programmes
  • Accommodation
  • Tours, attractions, activities
  • Language programmes
  • Work & travel
  • University programmes
  • Educational exchange
  • Volunteer travel
  • Student insurance
  • Transport
  • Au pair
  • Gap year
  • Camp programmes
  • Secondary & high school programmes

WYSE Travel Confederation members enjoy discounts to our events, exclusive market intelligence, special promotional opportunities, the latest industry news, and a range of educational tools.

WYSE Travel Confederation and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

WYSE Travel Confederation is a long-standing Affiliate Member of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).
Our cooperation has taken a variety of forms, one of the most notable being the joint production of the publication Youth Travel Matters – Understanding the Global Phenomenon of Youth Travel. This compendium of our combined research drew attention to the unique motivations of young travellers, and the compelling potential of this vibrant market segment.

WYSE Travel Confederation and UNWTO share the belief that there is great potential for governments and their economies to unlock the power of youth travel to significant mutual benefit. Whilst some have realised this opportunity, many could do more to factor youth travel into their long-term tourism strategy. We look forward to developing and publishing a set of specific recommendations to help governments, official tourism organisations and business leaders take the next step.